A unique chance to own an original.

TODAY ~ I haven’t tried any jumps while snowboarding yet. Maybe next year.


The art available to purchase here is part of my daily routine. I wake up, make myself a cup of tea, get comfortable in whatever happens to be my studio for the day, pull out my pre-cut 12.5cm x12.5cm square of 300g paper, my pens, inks and paints, stretch my fingers, and transfer the loudest thought in my head to the blank sheet in front of me.

This particular piece will only be available for 24 hours until today turns into tonight turning into tomorrow when a new sketch, a new voice will show up in its place. And that is it – the only period in time when this little square will be up for grabs before it is tucked back into my personal collection.

You get to decide how much this piece of art is worth to you. So, if today’s musing caught your attention, send me a message including the price you would like to pay and your contact info. I will confirm the sale and arrange shipping before tomorrow’s piece is posted.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.


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