Inside My Pack: Opportunities to travel a bit more green
As a consumer I try to support companies working towards a healthier planet. I strongly believe each dollar, euro, krone, lira, dirham spent can be a vote for a cleaner environment. So, I am always on the lookout for the best product to put in my pack.
read moreLearning How to Snowboard in the Laurentians
I am reading The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin, slowly digesting his words, often going over sentences 2 or 3 times, essentially taking my sweet ass time about it. I came across this quote this morning and while I highlighted it immediately, knowing there was something of great personal value here, I had to to read it a dozen times before the underlying feeling manifested into conscious understanding.
read moreThe Physical Artist
I have been asked a variation of the same question by budding artists often enough I thought I would address it here.
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