Hunger in Front of Schwartz’s

Hunger in Front of Schwartz’s

Beggars make me feel uncomfortable.

Well, for those of us who have gone to at least one couple’s counselling session, we know that no one is responsible for how I feel other than me, myself, and I. So I really ought to say I feel uncomfortable when I see someone asking for change on the street. I suspect I am not alone in this sentiment.

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Why I Am Painting Fish

Why I Am Painting Fish

Have you ever had a close encounter with a wild animal? Fortunately, because of my parents’ enthusiasm for camping and hiking, I was raised with a strong desire to spend time out of doors which has not abated with age. So understandably the number of interactions between myself and wild animals has accumulated over the years. But there is one experience which stands out more sharply than the rest, bringing a smile to my face and a renewed sense of wonder each time I think back on it.

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